RWI Thesis Award on Aging Studies

RWI Turkey Programme, with cooperation with Akdeniz University Social Policy annually grants Elderly Studies Graduate Thesis award for master’s and Ph.D. theses on issues pertaining to aging studies. This award aims to encourage young scholars from different fields of social sciences to conduct original empirical research on aging studies in Turkish universities while using the human rights framework.

This year marked the second year for this cooperation. Two awards were given to two MA theses: Merve Aslı Çıtak with her thesis ‘Menopause as a Female Experience’ and Tuğçe Keleş with her thesis ‘The Effect of Awareness Training Program for Dementia Friendly Community on Local Government Employees’ shared this year’s award.

The award ceremony was held online on December 20. The award ceremony was organized online due to the COVID-19 outbreak, and around 30 people participated in the event. In the award ceremony, each winner presented their theses to the audience. Questions & answers session followed the presentation.


The long summary of of each awardee’s theses will be published in a forthcoming issue of the Senex: Journal of Aging Studies.