Human Rights Research

Actions aimed for information production has increasingly taken place in the center of RWIstanbul’s works. While a portion of these works consists of research designed and carried out directly by RWIstanbul, some are carried out in collaboration with partner academic institutions. Making policies aimed for the development of human rights in Turkey, or strengthening policies of this nature is the top priority of the said research.

Apart from the single-handedly carried out academic research actions, RWIstanbul also supports research actions that are appropriate to its own priorities.

Shaping this kind of academic research actions which are accordant with the interdisciplinary character of human rights and making sure that they have the quality of international standards is amongst our priority.

Strengthening the infrastructure of academic information production also has priority amongst the research actions of RWIstanbul. Organizing various methodology trainings and supporting academics in Turkey in order for them to participate in national and foreign conferences, with the help of Raoul Wallenberg Institute; and supporting their Ph.D. and Post Ph.D. educations are some of these.

Similarly, associating the academy in Turkey and especially partner academic institutions with international academic research and research networks are among the actions which RWIstanbul puts in special effort.

Among our primary research areas are urban studies; disability studies, ageing studies, women rights, child rights, refugee rights, social-technology-human rights relations, especially communication technology, and human rights relation, environment, climate change, and human rights and right to health.